Take Me Home

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How the Program Works

Take Me Home is a program that began in Pensacola, Florida when a local Police Officer met with members of the community with autistic children. These parents expressed concern about children who are prone to wander and are unable to communicate with public safety employees trying to help them. The Pensacola Police Department partnered with a software company to develop a program that allowed officers to receive pictures and descriptions of autistic children so that they could be connected with their families. In cooperation with the Canton Police Department and the Stark County Auditor's Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Department, a unique web-based platform for Take Me Home for Stark County was created.

How It Works - Family members of those with communication challenges can
Fill out the Take Me Home Registration Form.

The registrant can include a description, a photograph, and cues for officers to use to assist with communication. Officers in the field who make contact with someone unable to communicate with them or confused about where they belong have immediate access to the database using any web-enabled device. Officers can search by description or geographically to find information about the individual. Registrations can be made for individuals of any age in any Stark County community. Information entered will only be accessible by law enforcement officers.